Welcome to Urmoodboard, a free mood board creator that helps bring your designs and ideas to life. No matter if you're a designer, photographer or simply curious, Urmoodboard is the tool to quickly direct the vision of your project.
It's a basic tool that features shapes, text and images that you can upload. Change any color or swap out images to suit the look and feel of your project. Urmoodboard also has a small (but growing) list of templates to help get you started. It will always be free to use and no sign up or email will be ever required. While usable with mobile devices, it's best used on desktop.
Urmoodboard is still in the very early development stages, so please feel free to leave any feedback, thoughts, criticisms, ideas or even bugs you may find. We do have plans to add more features soon in the coming future, but contact us at any time with your suggestions on how we can improve.
Happy mooding!